Friday, January 10, 2014

Package Handler 101 - There is no such thing as getting sick

You might think that the title of this blog is a joke. It's not. When you work at FedEx, you can't be sick. If you are, you get punished. Because if you go in sick and need to be sent home, people get mad at you. If you call in sick, you get written up and won't be considered for any new positions for three months.

I have been sick for the last four days. I have gone in every goddamn day and worked my ass of for FedEx. Why? Because I want to be hired as full time at some point in the very near future. Each day I've gone in, getting progressively worse through each shift. Today I was coughing so much that I could barely lift boxes because of the pain in my sides.

FedEx does not give regular package handlers sick days. You can call in three times within a month. Each time you will get written up for it. On the fourth time you get fired. The end. That's it. So, if you can't make it in because of the weather, car troubles, etc. and then you get suddenly sick and have to miss three days, you get fired.

It makes sense, right? I mean, you shouldn't be missing work for anything that isn't serious. And if it is serious then you should go to a doctor. The problem is that even a little sniffle makes work at FedEx extremely more difficult and tiring than you would think. A sniffle at FedEx is like having bronchitis or pneumonia. The dust from trailers and vans that have traveled the road for years without being cleaned out, dirt spills (or sand, or cat litter), strange smells (why does that guy smell like rotten spaghetti?), and the physical activity are enough to turn a little sniffle into something a lot worse, and it makes it as difficult as hell to work. I started out with a sore throat. It turned into sinus issues and a bad cough. I could have used a day off.

So, a lot of people end up coming in sick (like me!). Guess what happens? The rest of the hub gets sick. If it's something like the stomach flu, one day it gets to the point where the hub has twenty call-ins because people are too busy puking their guts out to be able to even attempt to drive to work. And this all because FedEx is too stingy to give it's package handlers a few sick days here and there.

I'm fairly certain that the higher ups (a.k.a service managers, who run the separate areas) get sick days. Why? Because I can't remember seeing a sick one. Ever. They don't come in occasionally during the cold and flu season. Once in a while one of them might lose their voice for a short time. Ultimately, though, I have yet to have a sick manager.

My first summer with the company, I threw up. It was hot, things were running fast, and my stomach got very, very angry. I went to the bathroom, was there for a while, threw up everything, felt weak as hell, and went to my manager. When I told him that I had thrown up (which should have resulted in me being sent home, legally), I was promptly yelled at and then ignored. I worked until break time, at which point my manager came up to me and rudely said, "I can't make you stay so go home if you want to." Being new to the company, I wasn't sure what to do, so I stayed. Despite how shitty I felt that night, I kicked ass, and my manager admitted that he really appreciated my help.

I should have left. No one but him would have cared. The entire hub agrees that he is an asshole.

My point in all of this is that, as a package handler, you cannot get sick. It's against some unspoken rule. If you get sick and need time off, you will be punished. If you get sick and need to go home, your manager will whine and be rude to you. That's just how it works.

This time, I've been letting my performance slip as I get sicker, and I spread my germs as much as possible. Perhaps, if this continues, FedEx will rethink it's sick day policy.

It's worth a shot, right?


  1. Hope you have found a better job Ashley. My son just started working at FedEx. He is sick today. We shall see what happens. Theresa

  2. Been working at FedEx for 3 months n this is the 2nd time I got really sick but this time, I got really sick and recently went to the hospital because I caught the flu and then had other symthems like swallowing water and some foods hurting really bad, big red lumps on my tongue which has a white coat on top from bacteria, coughing like hell, my left ear hurt like hell and keep popping, and much more....I got tested and should get my results back tomorrow.....Its possibly strep throat even though for some reason its like every time I cough I end up gasping for air like I'm having a mini as the attacks which is weird

    1. I'm sorry, you posted this a while ago, but for your own well being, the word is "symptoms", not "symthems. You maniac.

  3. Uhhh I took a week off without pay cuz I had a staph infection in my knee and couldn't walk or kneel on it. I had a doctor's note though. I also couldn't work their mandatory 6th day during peak season cuz I have a 2nd full time job. And they made it an excused absence all those days. I've only been working at FedEx ground for 4months. U should either report ur managers if they are doing that or quit but I haven't seen anyone yelling at anyone cuz they're sick. They usually find something for them to do if their arms broke or ask if they want to go home. I've seen people get injured on the job and no one is yelled at. Sounds a little extreme and like u should contact a lawyer actually though. But that's not the FedEx I know.

    1. Oh also I forgot to add I was part time and they want me to go full time. And I will cuz they've treated me better the my full time retail job. Js
