Saturday, February 4, 2012

Everyone is a Genius

I found this quote while browsing Stumbleupon this evening and I had to sit and process it for a moment - not because it was difficult to understand, but because, among the images of cute kittens and other baby animals, it was the one thing that made me think. And, trust me, it's really hard for anything to compete with pictures of cute animals.

The first thing my mind jumped to when I read this was my brother. Now, I'm not saying there's anything wrong with my brother (there isn't), but he does have a few problems with certain areas of development. He has trouble with speaking and motor skills, though he's only four-and-a-half years. He also doesn't like to color and he won't try new foods. Sometimes he comes across as a bit annoying. However, he also has an amazingly developed imagination. I truly believe that his imagination can take him anywhere he wants to go and that it will help him succeed when he is older, even if he still has trouble with other things.

My point is, we're all beautiful in our own special way. Just because you're bad at something or you're different in some way doesn't mean you are stupid or weird or wrong. And it most definitely does not give people the right to make fun of you or treat you differently. We each have our talents, and those are a part of what makes us who we are. Maybe you don't know what your talent is yet. That doesn't mean that you don't have one. Everyone has something they are good at.

I'm shy, so I have a hard time just walking up to people and talking to them. Even talking on the phone to someone I don't know well is difficult. I have trouble talking to people about how I feel and what I'm thinking. Sometimes people make fun of me for it. They laugh at me when I can't go ask someone for help or I won't go talk to someone because I don't know them. They make fun of me for being afraid. Sometimes they pick on me or treat me the wrong way. But, even though I am shy and have trouble talking to people, I have something that makes up for that. I can write.

I put all of my thoughts and feelings into whatever I write. I just let it all flow out. When I'm writing I can talk to people without reservations, no matter how shy I am in person. I use writing to express myself, and that's where my talent lies. And those people who make fun of me for being shy? Quite a few of them either can't write, or they could use a lot more practice.

You are unique. There is only one of you in the world, and that makes your life worth something. There never has been and never will be another you - and for that one simple thing, I value you.

"I have feelings too. I am still human. All I want is to be loved, for myself and for my talent."
-Marilyn Monroe

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